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Women's Health

Family Planning

Family Planning and OB-GYN’s at our health centers are committed to women’s health, pre-natal care, and post birth well-being.  Get in touch or visit us today for better health.

Family Planning is an important aspect of healthcare that encompasses a range of methods and practices that individuals and couples use to prevent pregnancy or plan for it. It includes pregnancy testing, prenatal care, IUD insertions, and colposcopy.

What does Family Planning mean?

Family planning involves considering how many children a person wants to have or does not want to have. When family planning, a woman should seek help from their provider to receive care or treatment to best support their reproductive goals.

Family planning services encompass a wide array of healthcare services, including pregnancy testing, fertility treatments, prenatal care, and contraception.

This article will discuss some of these interventions and how they can assist you and your family.

Pregnancy Testing

If you think you may be pregnant, you should confirm with a pregnancy test at your provider’s office. Your provider can utilize a urine test, similar to an at-home pregnancy test, or a blood test to confirm pregnancy.

These tests measure the amount of pregnancy hormone, known as human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), that is in the body. Blood tests differ from urine tests because they involve taking a blood sample. A blood test can see if hCG is present, and if so, how much.

Prenatal Care

Prenatal care encompasses all the activities and doctors’ visits associated with maintaining a healthy pregnancy. 

Prenatal care can include maintaining healthy habits, having regular doctor visits, and taking supplements such as folic acid to support your baby’s growth and development.  For more information about prenatal care, please see our full Prenatal FAQ Guide.

IUD Insertions

Contraception is a key component of family planning services. There are several birth control options available, one being the intrauterine device (IUD). An IUD is T-shaped device that is placed inside your uterus, preventing pregnancy.

There are both hormonal and copper IUDs, and both affect sperm mobility, preventing the sperm from reaching the egg. Sperm does not like copper, so a copper IUD prevents sperm from fertilizing the egg. Hormonal IUDs can prevent pregnancy by thickening cervix mucus and stopping ovulation.

IUDs are different from other contraceptive options because a healthcare provider must place it. This involves a roughly five-minute procedure at the doctor’s office. At your visit for insertion, your provider will assess your uterus, vagina, and cervix. Additionally, they may give you medication to minimize pain from the procedure. When administering the IUD, your provider uses a speculum and a tool to place the IUD into the opening of the cervix and into the uterus.


A colposcopy is a method in which your provider can see your cervix and vagina. A colposcopy is done when abnormal cells or issues have been identified during a Pap smear or pelvic exam.

In this procedure, your provider uses a colposcope, which is a tool that includes a magnifier and light. The colposcope allows your provider to examine the cervical tissues and take samples for testing. It allows the healthcare provider to see the cervix and the surrounding areas in greater detail and can be used to detect and diagnose cervical cancer or other abnormalities.

It’s important to have access to comprehensive and confidential family planning services, to be informed about different options and to make educated choices about your health.

If you are in California, request an appointment with Center for Family Health and Education for select free and low cost womens health services related to Family Planning Care.

  1. Pregnancy test: when to take, types & accuracy [Internet]. Cleveland Clinic. [cited 2023 Jan 18]. Available from:
  2. What’s an IUD insertion like? [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jan 18]. Available from:
  1. Pregnancy test: when to take, types & accuracy [Internet]. Cleveland Clinic. [cited 2023 Jan 18]. Available from: health/articles/9703-pregnancy-tests
  2. What’s an IUD insertion like? [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jan 18]. Available from: learn/birth-control/iud/whats-an-iud-insertion-like

Get an Appointment

Family Planning is available at many of our Locations in Southern California.

How it works

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Lifting Surgery

Surgical Procedure

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Pre Operative Care

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Post Operative Care

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Risks and Complications

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